Curious how to handle your child's candy haul?
Here are some of my top tips as a Registered Dietitian
First things first...
Let's acknowledge that this is your child's haul. They worked hard...
I can barely believe in 10 days little goblins and ghouls will flood the streets in search of spooky sweet treats! I love this time of year and I also love candy - but keeping the holiday safe and...
Often times as pediatric dietitian, parents request meal plans with specific portion sizes for their child. While I can understand why this seems like the correct approach to assure their child...
With everything going on (after school activities, school, play dates, family gatherings, daily life lol) for many families, the cycle of busy-ness can make it feel very difficult, and at times...
At this point, you've likely heard of the Division of Responsibility in Feeding. If not, it's a popular framework of feeding children that was devised by Ellyn Satter, RD and family therapist. It...
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