Top tips for Halloween - from an RD perspective

holiday positive feeding dynamic Oct 21, 2024

I can barely believe in 10 days little goblins and ghouls will flood the streets in search of spooky sweet treats! I love this time of year and I also love candy - but keeping the holiday safe and fun is also absolutely top of mind! 

So, as a registered dietitian, what are my top tips for Halloween? 

For starters, stick to your regular meal, and planned snack routine. Offer balanced, nutritious and filling foods. Candy and most halloween treats tend to be devoid in any other nutrients - so hunger can creep in earlier - potentially contributing to hangry behaviours (ie: dysregulation) earlier. Refer to the previous blog post for more info or this IG reel I posted as part of leading up to Halloween series. 

On Halloween night, before letting children dig in, it is important to first check their loot.

  • For young ones, until at least the age of four- remove hard round candies and chewing gum (these are choking risks). 
  • Discard any tampered or opened products
  • Remove any candies that contain ingredients that your child is allergic to.   

Then allow your child to gloat over and enjoy as much of their halloween haul as they please. After this, keep the halloween haul for them - but reassure them they will get candy with certain meals and snacks. You can even promise them another unlimited go at their haul for the day after!  

Why is this important? 

Short term

Keep Halloween fun! For many kids Halloween is a favourite holiday. It's not just about the candy - it's about costumes, decorations and being silly. But focusing so much on the candy - can spoil everything else. And having filling food (as regular meals and snacks) to complement the candy - can help keep the "hangry" away. 

Long term

It is important for kids to learn to be matter of fact and relaxed about candy and sweets, just like any other food, and this happens by allowing regular access. 

I hope this information was helpful and can contribute to a more enjoyable for all! 

Happy Halllowwwweeen!!!


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DISCLAIMER: This website does not provide medical or nutritional advice. This article has been developed for informational purposes only. This article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, dietitian, or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding certain dietary needs or restrictions before proceeding with a new diet or health care regimen. Dietitians of Canada has an RD directory to help you find someone in your area. 

 *As a participant in the Amazon Associates program, I earn from qualifying purchases linked from and affiliated sites. 


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